

New CVE information avialable

CERT.LV is publishing new CVE information.

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CERT.LV and ISACA Latvia annual IT security conference „Cyberchess. Strategies and tactics in the virtual environment”.

IT security conference „Cyberchess. Strategies and Tactics in the Virtual Environment” took place on 1st October 2015, Rīga

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Seminar “Identification and handling of Electronic evidence and Digital Forensics”

ENISA and CERT.LV seminar on IT security issues.

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ISACA Latvia and CERT.LV annual conference CFP

ISACA Latvia and CERT.LV annual conference on IT security issues will be held in Riga, Latvia, on 23 October 2013.

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Cyber Coalition 2011

Latvia is one of the 20 countries participating in the NATO exercise "Cyber ​​Coalition 2011" from 13-15 December 2011

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CERT.LV meeting with Swedish security specialists

23.05.2011 CERT.LV met with 80 Swedish security specialists at Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Latvia, Raina bulvaris 29, Riga.

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